Resources for Writers


As an author of over 25 books I'm often asked for advice about the writing process, craft and marketing etc.  Over the years I have attended many workshops, conferences and seminars related to all three areas and I cannot express enough just how important it is to keep learning. You don't know what you don't know and in this ever changing publishing landscape it's important to keep abreast of industry news and developments. That's why I'm a member of many different Facebook groups and online forums and writing organisations...this way I keep up-to-date.

Below is a list of recommended websites and books... keep popping back because I update as regularly as I can! Please note: All these products are tried and tested by me and I find them immensely useful. Some of the books have affiliate links so I make a very small amount of money if you click through and buy. If you don't want to use the links below, please Google the products - I don't want you to miss out on something that will make your writing life easier!

The Writing Process

Scrivener  Tired of losing all your research, forgetting the colour of your heroine's eyes, or losing track of point of view? Then scrivener is for you. The single best product for authors, for keeping track of details, plot, notes and just...writing.




The Successful Author Mindset  by Joanna Penn , How to get into the right frame of mind and conquer self doubt! See below for more from Joanna Penn and her amazing writers' resource website











First Draft in 30 Days by Karen S. Weisner A no holds-barred, bum in seat, deny the inner editor way of getting a first draft done



Since 2012 I have written 20 books and people are often astounded by my productivity. But I am self disciplined, and writing is my full time job! I have used, however, a number of different tools to help me reach my daily goals and publishing deadlines...(i.e., it hasn't always been smooth going!!)

 2K to 10K by Rachel Aaron One of the best books I've ever read about the importance of knowing what you're going to write before you write it and having the passion and knowledge to do so!







The Pomodoro Technique details timed writing and has saved my manuscript (and my sanity) more than once!




Of course craft is something that rarely changes. But it's imperative to keep fresh with voice and style. There are so many writing books out there it's hard to pinpoint just a few, but here goes:

 45 Master Caracters by Victoria Lynn Schmidt  A great book for choosing character traits for hero and heroine!







The Writer's Journey by Christopher Vogler An in depth look at storytelling and mythic structure.








Every now and then you come across a new idea and your brain melts. I recently attended a full day workshop by Damon Suede and he did that to me. His idea that characters are verbs literally blew my mind and had me looking at story structure from a whole new angle. This is a book version of that workshop: VERBALIZE. Buy. Read. Learn. Write.



Self Publishing / Indie Publishing


Joanna Penn

If you haven't heard of Joanna Penn or listened to her podcast, The Creative Penn, then you must do it TODAY! Her podcast has been running since 2009 and she is at the forefront of indie publishing. Find more information about the podcast here!

She also has a number of extremely helpful 'How To' books which are detailed below.


Another fabulous podcast about all things writing and publishing from four KIWI women who are living the writing rollercoaster and chatting about it every week. You can find information about their podcast here!

Vellum The easiest and prettiest way to format your ebook!

If I can use it then so can you.


Mark Dawson and the Self Publishing Formula

Mark Dawson runs self publishing courses that take you from finishing a book / launching/ uploading it to e-vendors and advertising/marketing. He's the gold standard in author achievement and is keen to pay it forward. He has a podcast and a website.



Writing can be a lonely business, so find your tribe and meet people who share your passion. You may be able to find people to critique your work, enter contests and generally talk all things writing. Joining the RWNZ was definitely the best thing for my career!

Romance Writers of New Zealand

Romance Writers of America

Romance Writers of Australia